A Well Fed Mind
Learn to Eat, Eat to Learn
A Well Fed Mind was founded by pediatric occupational therapist and certified holistic health coach, Andria Procopio. She serves families in both NYC and NJ shore towns where she currently resides. Combining 9 years of clinical experience as an occupational therapist with a background in holistic nutrition, Andria’s unique therapeutic approach includes improving diet and lifestyle factors to best support the way we feel, behave, and process the world around us. She specializes in working with children diagnosed with developmental delays, autism spectrum disorders, learning disabilities, and ADHD. Andria believes that achieving a healthier, balanced diet and cleaner lifestyle are key factors for improving mood, behaviors, and overall cognition.
Food Explorers
A class for picky eaters to learn how to enjoy new foods, become more adventurous eaters and less stressed during mealtime