Individualized Occupational Therapy Sessions
A child’s primary occupation is "play". OT treatment is play-based, engaging, and fun. Children learn skills while engaging in hands on interactive games and activities. Treatment encourages exploration, creativity, and social expression while focusing on the established treatment goals.
One on one sessions focus on improving the following skills and developmental areas:
Fine Motor & Gross Motor
Visual Motor/Perception
Handwriting and Keyboarding
Sensory Integration
Executive Functioning
Self-care Routines: Feeding/Nutrition*, Sleep, Dressing, Hygiene
Play and Social Skills
Emotional Regulation
In home Therapy Sessions and Parent Coaching available.
Feeding Therapy sessions includes fresh local and organic foods, resources and handouts, weekly progress tracking notebook, and an additional 30 minute phone call/check-in per week.
A 60-90 minute comprehensive evaluation that involves standardized testing, clinical observations, and caregiver/teacher interviews to gain a clear understanding of a child’s history, development, and current needs. Within two weeks of the evaluation, you will receive a report with findings and recommendations.
Consultation services include collaboration with families and teachers to provide effective strategies for children experiencing difficulties engaging in their daily occupations (e.g. play and learning) in the home and school environments. This service is for:
Schools looking to improve overall student participation and engagement using sensory based strategies and environmental adaptations in the classroom setting.
Families looking to modify their home environment and routines to best support their child’s individual sensory or physical needs.
These services can be provided in person, virtual or hybrid model depending on location and individual needs of client.
Cost is offered on a sliding scale, $125-150 per hour.